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NOTE: DynamIP v3.50 does NOT use MSINET.OCX anymore. If you switched to DIPFTP Client because MSINET.OCX didn't work for you, please give the new FTP control a try - uncheck the box DIPFTP Client in Setup|Uploader .

The following is mostly relevant for DynamIP users who need special customization of the uploading process (e.g. because your ISP uses some non-standard features). Note, however, that DIPFTP does not work with proxy servers!

Follow these instructions to get DIPFTP Client running with DynamIP:

  1. Download DIPFTPv150.zip (this ZIP file [5KB] contains DIPFTP.EXE v1.50)
  2. Unzip DIPFTPv150.zip and copy DIPFTP.EXE to your DynamIP installation directory
    (the default is C:\Program Files\DynamIP)
  3. If you don't have WININET.DLL on your system you should:
    Download WININETxxx.zip (this ZIP file [206KB] contains WININET.DLL v4.72.3110.0). Just in case this version doesn't work for you, an older version v4.72.2106.5 is also available here).
    Unzip WINETxxx.zip and copy WININET.DLL to your Windows\System or Windows\System32 directory (don't forget to make a backup of your current version...).
  4. check the box DIPFTP Client in Setup|Uploader if you want DynamIP to use DIPFTP Client instead of the built-in FTP control.

You can also download the complete DIPFTP VB6 project ([12KB] including source code) if you feel like customizing the FTP client (there's also an older DIPFTP VB5 project in case you're still on VB5).

DIPFTP recognizes the following command line parameters:

Parameter Explanation / Example
/B binary transfer if switch /B is present
/D delete remote file before uploading if switch /D is present
/E=<EventLogFile> Event Log File (e.g. /H=DIPFTP.LOG)
this file contains either the string ERROR (if the upload failed) or the string UPLOAD OK (if the upload was successful)
/F=<LocalFile> name of the local file to upload (e.g. /F=DynamIP.htm)
/H=<HostName> remote host / FTPD (e.g. /H=ftp.tripod.com)
/L=<LoginID> user/login ID used for authentication after connecting to the FTPD (e.g. /L=JoeDoe)
/P=<Password> password used for authentication after connecting to the FTPD (e.g. /P=beer6pack)
/R=<RemoteFile> name of the remote file, includes path name (e.g. /R=DynamIP.htm)
/T=<FTPport> FTP port (e.g. /T=21)
/X=<FTPproxy> FTP proxy (e.g. /X=ftp://ftp.proxy.com:8000)

(this proxy stuff doesn't really seem to work properly...)


DIPFTP.EXE /B /E=C:\Windows\Temp\ftp.log /F=C:\LF.HTM /H=ftp.tripod.com /L=myID /P=guess /R=RF.HTM

If you make enhancements, please send me a copy of your changed source by e-mail so that I can make available to other users as well. Thx in advance.

Last modified: April 05, 1999
OFFLINE visitors since May 1, 1998

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